Saturday, August 25, 2012

Some Thoughts on Me

I know this is an art blog....but, it's also a journal of sorts, because I stink at keeping up with those things. I could go months without writing, so hopefully this blog will help me out a little bit. Today's post is a journal post.

So, I have many good qualities. I pride myself on the fact that I am kind and considerate and for the most part a decent human being. I avoid contention; I let others have their way so that I can eliminate drama before it starts; I give without complaining. However, this good quality can be confused for one that's not so great quite easily. A pushover. Yah, not cool. Sometimes I worry that I don't stick up for myself enough, that I let others walk all over me because its easier than showing people I have feelings. It's really silly I know, but it's something that really bugs me. I just need to remember that I do the things I do because I care about others and not because I have no self confidence and need other's praise to feel good about myself. I am also a quiet person who doesn't need to push my way into every conversation. I am fine sitting in the background, taking it all in, and I don't mind always being the last one if it makes someone else feel better to be first. I am a strong confident woman who makes her own choices in life, and I am happy. Sometimes it's tough to remember, but it's the truth so I should not let it be forgotten!

Anyway, sorry, I just had to get some thoughts down. In the spirit of art here is a picture of an old photograph I just made into a poster with the help of Staples and my ever faithful internet. I quite like it!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Friends, Fantasy, and Frumpy Sweaters

I have the best friends! Really, I do! I have friends that dont judge me for who I am; friends that accept my desire to look for ugly giant sweaters, friends that then encourage me to buy said ugly sweaters; and most of all friends that like to have awkward conversations late at night. Today I am grateful for my friends, and I am already dreading the day I pack up my car and leave them for sexy rexy. Sometimes the idea of going back to school really stinks.
So, it's Wednesday which means I get to share a favorite artist! Yayyyyyy! There are sooo many! Today I was looking at some drawings by an artist I only know as Bluefooted. Her style is so much what I wish mine could be, and her ideas are fantastic. I have always been a sucker for fantasy art and her work pretty much fulfills all my wildest fantasy dreams! I have three favorites that I will share with you, but all of her stuff is worth looking at. I don't know if it's the colors or the detail, but I get lost in her artwork and hopefully you will too! I can see her bear coming right out of the book The Cry of the Icemark, and the bottom photo has an Alice in Wonderland feel to it which I love. Oh goodness they are all soooo good! Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I am such a rebel

Today...I bought an ear cuff! That's right, I'm a rebel. Just kidding, I am like the furthest thing from it. Anyways, today has been good. Cookies and movies always make a good day. Also, shopping, because I am not one of those people that gets sick of walking around stores looking at things I can't afford. I LOVE IT! Contrary to what you might think though, I don't spend a lot of money. I am pretty good at controlling myself...but, I don't know why I am talking about this. Random.
So, on to art. I decided I want to set up a format for myself. I want to share what I draw in my sketchbook, along with finished products, but I also want to share what inspires me. One of my favorite blogs has what's called "Inspiration Friday." I would like to do my own spin off of this and hopefully show you what kind of artwork and photography I like to look at. On Wednesdays I want to share an artist I admire, and on Tuesdays, like today, I want to share my sketchbook. So here goes. This is the latest sketch. I have a friend named Fleur who, in my opinion, has a pretty awesome personality. She decided to dress up like a giraffe, and I decided to draw her.

I really like how it came out, so hopefully you do too. I just used a .05 micron pen for the whole thing. Anyways, she is pretty cool so I thought I would share. Hope you have a good night! So far mine has been awesome. k loves bye

Monday, August 20, 2012

Today has been a lazy day, complete with popcorn, pajamas, and random internet surfing. Eventually I made my way to pinterest, because seriously that is like the main place I go for inspiration these days. Anyway, I would just like to share a few photos that reinforce my belief that ink is probably the most amazing medium ever. It can do no wrong in my book. Behold the beauty....

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Well, here we go. First post!
Over the summer I got to spend two and a half months nannying for a family in Manhattan Beach, California. This was quite the experience! However, it made for a lot of tired nights and groggy mornings. I am sorry to say that my art went fact, I think I only picked up my sketchbook once. Now for those of you who don't know this is crazy for me, because seriously I bring that thing everywhere. However, that one time I did pick it up was quite a success. The picture on the right was done by my favorite artist, Danny Roberts. The picture on the left is my interpretation of that same drawing. Thanks to my friend Audrey, the girl ended up with red hair, which I LOVE! This drawing took me about three hours and is nowhere near as beautiful as Danny's, but for the most part I really love it. Yay for those productive moments in the middle of long tired weeks!