Thursday, December 6, 2012


Do you ever have those days where you are just inspired by everything around you? One of the things I love most about being an artist is being able to see the beauty in all of the little things around me, but even some days can be filled with more inspiration than normal. Today shapes have been on my mind. And letterpress. I  recently discovered Leah Duncan and have since blogged about her twice, but really she is absolutely wonderful. I was looking at her letterpress prints today (trying to decide which one I will order with my birthday money because I am poor and can only afford one "insert tears and sobs") and I just couldn't get over how lovely her simple geometric prints were. The colors and the simplicity just worked for me!

I am seeing myself slowly, but surely, molding into who I am as an artist. I am realizing what I really love and what I really shouldn't waste my time on creating. Simplicity has become my main desire. It started with my first blockprints; I loved simplifying everything into easy shapes that I could carve out. It continued with my intro to screen printing. I had to learn how to separate things by color and visual weight on the paper. I now realize just how beautiful simple things are. They take thought-if you are going to put down only a simple yellow square on a piece of paper, you had better be sure of where it will look its absolute best!

I hope that one day I will be able to make simple, but beautiful pieces of artwork. I want people to look at my work and think: "That will be beautiful in my baby's room," or "I can see myself hanging this in the kitchen." I want to create things that work for everywhere because they have no definite subject matter, they are just pretty. Pretty things are the best ya know. So here's to dedication and applying myself in the right direction. I know who I am and I know what I want to create, and believe me it's gonna be lovely.



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