Saturday, February 16, 2013

Half of my heart belongs to a wizard

Do the words butterbeer, Honeydukes, Fluffy, or snitch ring a bell? If not then I feel sorry for ya son because those words have filled up over half of my life. In first grade I was sitting on the ground in the assembly hall listening to our principal talk about a fundraiser. At the end of the presentation he held up a book I had never seen before and said that the student who raised the most money would receive that book as a prize...and you know what, people got excited. So I went home and looked up that book and we bought it and I started reading it and from that moment I have been a different person! Harry Potter took over my life and engulfed me in a magical world of spells, mythical creatures, and good vs. evil. Thank you Harry for making my days happier!

So, while on Pinterest I realized I had a lot of Harry Potter fan art, and being the fan that I am I want to share it with you! It also makes me want to pull out The Deathly Hallows, but unfortunately I left it at home for this semester:( Bad Jenika! So enjoy some of my favorite HP art and be amazed at the talent these fans have!

Character designs! My personal favorites:

The trio! So perfect! (the hipster one makes me happy:)

And everybody loves some Hermione/Ron lovin and some Harry/Ginny cuteness

I hope you love fan art as much as I do! I know I can be a total nerd, but at least I am a happy nerd:) Oh, one last thing before I go! My friend walked into Krispy Kremes and lo and behold she found Vernon Dursley in the flesh-well not in the flesh, but this man could be his clone-and because I love you so much here is the picture she snapped! Enjoy!
Perfection isn't it! klovesbye...go read some Harry Potter!

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