Friday, September 28, 2012

Fridays are good

Today was a good day, although most of my Fridays usually are, but still today was a good day. I went to class and had one of the most interesting and mind blowing discussions yet. It was about light....yep light. So I totally didn't know this, but light is a particle, or photon, that moves in a wave formation, so you could call light a substance. Then we talked about the Book of Mormon (if you don't know what that is look it up and it will change your life) and how God is the source of all light. Light is also said to equal truth, which is what blew my mind. Many people have said that you can see the light in a person, specifically a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have heard that we glow with happiness and inner beauty, but I just figured this was a nice way of saying that we are righteous. Oh no, we are literally filled with light when we have the "light of Christ" inside us. Our spirits literally glow brighter! Hence the pillar of light that always surrounds Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ, or any spiritual being for that matter. It's so crazy to think about! And then we started talking about traveling through light, and just a heads up this is not doctrine, but its cool to think about. How is it that God is able to travel all over the universe (because we know there are other worlds out there and he is a part of them), and how was he able to appear to Joseph Smith in the sacred grove? What if it is the light? What if this amazing substance is what transports our spirits? I dont know, but maybe, just maybe that could be a part of it. Of course I wont know for a long long time, but it's an interesting thought. So yah, sorry for this long drawn out theory of mine, but I thought it was worth sharing.
Ok so second best part of the day: naptime!!! I rarely get naps anymore with classes that go until 5pm, but on Friday's I get a whole day to sleep and sleep and sleep some more! Sleep is such a great thing people. It does wonders for my attitude.
Third best part of the day: I watched three hours of How I Met Your Mother and heard one of the best lines in tv history. Warning, if you don't watch this show you will probably think this is stupid, but I love it so here it is:
Ted (to Barney): "Dude, do not pretend you're not the kind of guy who keeps a list of all the girls he slept with!"
Marshall: "I have one. It's called my marriage license." (insert Lily and Marshall high fiving with totally straight faces) Marshall and Lily for the win! Those two are my favorite no matter what people say!
Ok this post is forever long, but here's the last best part of the day: grilled cheese. Oh how wonderful it is to eat grilled cheese and tomato basil soup in your pajamas with all of your awesome roommates sitting around you and the fall chill making everything feel cozy and warm. Perfect ending to my perfect day. Oh and I almost forgot! My cousin got her mission call.....Baltimore Maryland! And all I can think of is Hairspray haha!
So yah, here's to the longest post yet and to happy Fridays! I hope everyone else had a great one too. Before I finish here is the picture of that print Pacifica that I oh so sneakily took a picture of in the Spori gallery only to turn around on my way out and see that photography is actually allowed. Oh well, I was gonna get that picture anyway. Alright I think that's it. K loves bye!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

David Weidman: my new best friend

Be still my heart, I have found my calling in life. Here's the story:
So I was walking through the Spori building today(Art) and decided I would take a look in the gallery with my extra hour, so I did, and I found something pretty special! David Weidman ma friends. How have I never heard of him or seen his work? He's like a kindred spirit that I never got to know. He specializes in serigraphy(screen printing), and pretty much rocks at it. We're talking children's illustrations with little animals and pretty patterns and bright colors. I think I want to be as cool as him when I grow up. My favorite print of his is called Pacifica, but sad day I couldnt find any images of it online. I will have to take a picture of it in the gallery because you have to see how amazing it is. Anyways, take a look!

Sooooo good! I have always wanted to do illustration with blockprints and this just proves that it can be done, and it can be done good! I feel like it's my calling in life haha. I could do church scenes and storybooks and oh so many things! Oh man I am on a new high right now guys. I love those moments when all your hopes and dreams just come true and you know that maybe you could have a shot at something in life. I think it calls for brownies. Yep, brownies it is! And here for the last photo before I head off to make something delicious, warm, and gooey, this is the cute poster hanging outside the gallery. The fact that he can make birds look that fun and quirky just makes me love him ten times more. Thank you David, can I call you David? I feel like we should be on a first name basis. Anyways, you have cheered up my life and I am grateful!


I really don't know why I am still up at two in the morning with wet hair and homework waiting, but I guess that's just how I do things around here. These past few days have been In. Sane. Like...homework from 11am to 10pm every day, and people constantly in the apartment, and tests and projects due all over the place. It's been a slap in the face. However, I have managed to get some good stuff accomplished, and I even found some really fun pieces of art that I think you will die over because I pretty much did!
So, here is the watercolor. My first try and I think it turned out pretty good. Obviously there are some things I wish I could fix, but this is a learning process and I am gonna learn like nobody's business!
I also stumbled upon a random website where I found the most amazing article titled "If Tim Burton Drew the Avengers." I know, right! Perfection! And look at the characters! How awesome are they! Thor is my favorite with his swirly cape and hair.I kinda wish they would have Tim Burton do a spin off of the Avengers. I would totally watch it!

I also got some head drawings back so I promise to post those tomorrow. They are pretty rough let me tell you. Oh, and this wall mural made my day. I want one on my building as soon as possible! I think that's it for tonight. I need to go to bed before I have to get up in 5 hours, bleh. Ok loves byyyyye!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Beatus Est Pisciculus

I feel like there is something you all should know...I like fish. Not to eat, not to look at, but to draw? Yes. They are my go to subject matter of choice. When in doubt draw fish. They won me the senior year t-shirt competition, they gave me my first concentration for AP art when I was two months behind schedule, they took over my sketchbook, and made my first block print. I think it is safe to say that without them my success as an artist would not be so much success as it would be failure. In fact, I think they will make my career. Now, knowing how much they mean to me I don't think it will surprise anyone to find out that I will be painting fish for my very first watercolor composition. I struggled for three days trying to figure out what would be a safe way to start this new medium and you know what brought me comfort? Fish.  Yep, two little fishies are going to come to life once again. I promise to show the finished product....that is if it looks good. It might look really really terrible, because like I said, I have never watercolored before. But who knows, maybe they will come out great! Anyways, while I work away today you can look at some of my previous fish. It started years ago when I tried redrawing some of the talented James Christensen's fish because his are the best fish in existence, and then I proceeded to come up with my own. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A compliment

There are so many things on my mind right now that I have a feeling I might just explode! Here we go,

1. A compliment from my art teacher today: "Jenika, these are really good. If you keep applying yourself and practicing I think you could do some really great stuff." You have no idea what this means! Pretty much just made my week!

2. Marshall and Lily. That's right, How I Met Your Mother has a place in my heart. Well, truthfully it's just Marshall that has a deep place in my heart. I want a bad! He is pretty much the perfect man. I cried when Lily broke up with him and cried when they got back together, and then I cried because I feel like it's going to be a long time before I meet my Marshall.

3. I am crazy obsessed with statement necklaces right now. Imagine me as one of those little memes yelling COLLECT ALL THE NECKLACES!!! I may or may not have just bought two new ones on ebay yesterday.

4. The sad fact that Rexburg skips fall. My favorite season and it skips it. One minute it's hot and windy and the next it's freezing cold and windy. All I get is a lot of rain. No pretty leaves, no autumn chill, no pumpkins sitting out on porches...just snow and a lot of ice. It makes for a depressing Halloween.

5. I burned my neck with my curling iron AGAIN! That's twice in one week. I have burns on my neck to prove it and they are not pretty.

6. If I could marry Thor I would.

7. Sometimes I wish I lived in Italy. Those people really knew how to paint back in the day and I want to be like that. I think one of my goals in the afterlife will be to meet as many Renaissance painters as I can find. Why hello Jan Van Eyck, I would indeed love to talk symbolism and the power it holds in painting.

8. This screen print I did back in highschool. It simultaneously makes me wish I had a tree growing out of my head and rocks my socks off at the same time.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday afternoon

Things that are inspiring me right now:
1. The song Princess of China by Coldplay and Rihanna. I think it has an very Hindu feel to it and I love Hinduism! Don't get me wrong, I am mormon, but if I didn't have this wonderful beautiful church I think I would enjoy the artistic mysterious feel that Hinduism has.
2. Watercolor portraits. Maybe it's just the class I am in, but for some reason I have a new respect for those of you who choose watercolor as your medium of choice. It's quite hard!
3. Geometric patterns. I think I will be making this quilt pretty soon.

4. Jenn Blosil. If you don't know who this is then find out because she is awesome! I was lucky enough to go to highschool with her and got to hear her sing first hand. I also think the artwork of Jenn in her promotional video is fabulous. Take a look!

5. This old sketchbook drawing I did with ink. I never finished it, but looking at it now I really want to do some more stuff just like it!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Real quick...

I saw this painting in my art history class today and just had to share! I mean really, it just doesn't get much more beautiful than this. This painting is titled Angel Gabriel and was painted by the talented Northern Renaissance painter Simone Martini. It is done in tempera paint, which surprised me because tempera isn't always a favorite of mine. However, I love the flat look the paint gives this picture. I also love how warm it feels, and that I can almost see the golden sunlight shining around Gabriel's halo. I will be one of the luckiest people alive if I ever get to see this in real life! Here is to you Martini for brightening up a long day of history!

school days, school days...

It has started. For the next six months I will be buried in homework, awkward social encounters, and cheap college food. I am not complaining. It's gonna be a tough one, but I can already feel the knowledge flooding in (just F.Y.I. I attend BYU Idaho and looooove it)! I am also watching the money drain quite quickly out of my account. Who knew art supplies could be so expensive? Oh, right, I did when I signed up for all these crazy classes! I am currently taking a beginning watercolor class, a head drawing class, my final art history class, along with an art seminar, BOM class, and my FINAL foundation class: the science of vision and hearing. It's gonna be good! I promise to post as much artwork as I create, along with all the failed attempts because art is about growing and getting better and I plan to get good.

So, because my teacher took my first few assignments I will have to share my first three days of school photos...because those are the only days that I really truly put in an effort. This is no fashion blog, I prefer boring blue jeans and jackets most days, but sometimes I look good and I like to share it:)

That's right ma friends, those are colored skinnies. I am fully embracing this new burst of color! Also, see those cute black and white posters on my wall in the first photo? I made those! And they all cost me less than $5. Cheap college decorations for the win!

Because I don't have any drawings to show you I will let you see my very first attempts at both head drawing and watercolor. Don't judge, I know they aren't the best. Let's just see how much I improve over the semester shall we!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Goodbye Lehi

Hello there! You see these cute little wedges? Yah, they're mine now! I just might kill myself walking in them, but let me tell you it will be worth it! I see them as my final hurrah for summer. All too soon I will be bulking up in thick socks and boots and these will keep the memory of warm days and sunshine alive.
Also, I saw the cutest thing on Pinterest today! Painted Wooden Utensils! You tape it off and then paint the handle. I have a feeling I will be doing this pastels. How cute would my wooden spoons be if they had light pink, blue, and yellow handles!
So, today I finished a project. I have been living with an aunt in Lehi, and as a thank you for housing me I decided to draw her a pretty little picture. It came out a little funny, but I still love it. The girl in the drawing has a very masculine feel to her, but I contrasted that with lace and light pink hues. Overall a success. 
I modeled it after an image I found online of a woman in a lace dress. I think I quite like it. Soooo yep.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Danny Roberts

It's Wednesday which means I get to share a favorite artist with you! Be excited because today is gonna be good!
I figure it's about time Danny Roberts got a proper introduction. He is the inspiration for this blog and truthfully the reason I am so passionate about art. I discovered his blog two and a half years ago and I can't even remember how I stumbled upon it. As cheesy as this sounds I was struggling with myself at the time and his work showed me what I want to do with my life. He only got serious about doing artwork around four years ago and in those four short years has really improved his style. His designs are simple, but beautiful, and I feel like he can capture the feeling of a photo with just the colors he uses. I LOVE his artwork. Last post I showed off the mural he did for Tiffany and Co. Today I want to show off his latest artwork, a stopmotion video he did for IMG Models. It only took him three days!

It just makes me feel good. Especially all the candy and color grouped art materials. It also makes me want a giant coloring book.
His blogger portrait series and series on love are my favorite, but he is also currently writing a book and the fairytale style of the illustrations for it are really really good. His ink drawings remind me a lot of my own style!

Aren't they just perfection! I love all of it! If you want to check him out his blog is called Igor + Andre and I highly recommend taking a look. For reals though, you will be sad you didn't. Anyways, hope you are having a good day. I just bought a yellow jcrew bubble necklace so mine is going pretty good haha. Ok loves byyyyyye!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Sketchbook

Hello there. Can I just say that I hate packing up for school. It has to be one of the worst things ever. I think this year I am just going to throw everything into my car and deal with it when I get up to Rexburg. And I think I will treat myself to a giant peach gelati at Cary Anne's afterward because I already know this whole thing is going to be painful.
Anyway, I want to share some sketchbook stuff today. This was actually done about a year ago, but my days are getting busier, so you get to see some old stuff.

I love all three of these drawings! The one on the left is my favorite because it looks like she is trying to ignore the fact that her mascara is running and that there is a stack of pancakes on top of her head. Random I know. The middle drawing reminds me of Peter Pan...not sure why....but maybe it's because this is the expression I imagine Wendy had when she realized she had to let go of Neverland. The bird on the right is also a favorite frankly because she looks like she doesn't give a darn that she has a unicorn horn on top of her head and a bullseye on her chest. She also doesn't care that she can't fly...who needs to fly anyway?

The owl on the left is an image I found on pinterest. The owl on the right is my attempt at trying to recreate that owl with a little bit of my own style. I made him longer and less detailed, but I like the end result. One of my favorite things to do is recreate other's work as practice for when I draw my own ideas.
For those of you who don't use a sketchbook, start one! I hated sketchbooks for years and now it is the one place I can really put down what i'm thinking. It is purely me and all of my random ideas and thoughts. It's better than any journal I have ever kept!
 Well, I think that's all for today, but I promise to show more later. Before I go let's just all take some time to drool over Danny Robert's finished mural for Tiffany and Co. in New York City! It is probably the most beautiful thing ever and someday I swear I will get a picture standing in front of it! k loves bye

Monday, September 3, 2012

Gemma Correll

Wow, goodness, you'd think I had forgotten about this little blog!
So three things on the mind:
1. Only 4 days until I leave my bestie and start that evil thing known as school (insert sobs and lots of chocolate).
2. The sad fact that someonetimes when people grow, they grow apart.
3. Young, sickeningly in love couples are making me gag...but probably only because I'm jealous (frowny face).

Ok, so, during a random internet search yesterday I stumbled upon what can only be described as the BEST THING EVER!!! Her name is Gemma Correll and she is pure perfection. I am talking little pugs with glasses, llama phone cases, and cats with party hats on! It's like a giant explosion of  happiness! Plus, she uses sarcasm in her writing which totally wins me over. She lives in the UK and works as a freelance illustrator with a BA in Graphic Design. Sooooo cool! She created this iphone case that I think is going to end up in my hands even though I don't even own an iphone.

I know right! Isn't it the most feel good thing you have ever seen! Her pictures make me melt. It has kind of made me want to stick to my illustration major, but.... I am trying not to think about that hahaha! Anyways, you should totally check her out because her pictures will make you smile and want to have a good day. I think I am going to print some of them out and hang them on my wall at college so that mornings won't be so hard.
On a side note I recently started listening to some Ed Sheeran and I think I'm obsessed (and yes, I only started listening to him because he sang at the olympics, but sometimes I am that kind of person). You should go take a listen because his voice is pretty.