Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A little cactus never hurt anybody

One final to go peeps! Yes, I did just say peeps. My light and sound final was originally Friday, but my oh so  wonderful teacher took pity on us stressed and tired students, soooooo I get to take it at HOME!!! In my PAJAMAS!!! Plus (and really how can it possibly get better) it is OPEN BOOK!!!! No studying for me. I will make myself some hot chocolate, maybe a grilled cheese, and I will take that test curled up in bed and I will pass, because seriously open book is practically like the teacher saying, "Here, just take an A! Go ahead there's plenty to go around!" What a wonderful way to finish up my third semester. The best part about having mostly art finals is that all of the work gets done throughout the semester and then you just hand it all in matted and framed and you're good to go. No big tests, or studying. It's absolutely wonderful!

In the small amount of free time that I have had I did manage to make my way to Pinterest where I found this lovely that pretty much made my day:
Image via

Isn't it just grand! I absolutely adore it! If I was rich I would buy it in a heartbeat-not that it's that expensive, but for poor college girl it kinda is. I love the colors and the design, but mostly I love that every single cactus is different. I admire artwork like this so much! So my birthday is coming up if anybody wants to get it for me! "wink wink"

I think that's it for today lovelies. I hope to post my final head drawing portfolio tomorrow, but that all depends on if my teacher grades my work. He said he would be done in the morning, but you never know. K loves bye

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Finals and Greek Yogurt

Let finals begin in 3...2...1

I am in a mad scramble to finish up the last of my head drawings, to pull out one last watercolor portrait that will bump my A- up to an A, and to study like a mad woman for my final light and sound test. Being the smarty pants that I am I tested out of my art history final (smart? yah right. more like this would be my 4th art history class and I have all the names down easy). I have yet to put pants on today, but I guess that's ok when all you do is homework. I plan on posting my final head drawing portfolio, which frankly I am quite proud of. I only have one more assignment for that class and I am hoping overall I will end with a solid B...or at least that's the wish. I feel like if I got a B on every single assignment ever in that class it should at least merit a B for the final right? right??? Well if not I had at least better pass because taking that class again would probably be the death of me.

Through all of the chaos mentioned above I am trying to maintain a happy finals week and I think I have found the answer. My first semester I thought the solution to success was buying three bags of sugar filled candy that would keep me up all night so I could work on homework. After quickly realizing that that is possibly the worst idea ever I decided that sleep was the option, sooooo I slept...all day....and did homework at night. That is also a horrible solution. Finally, now, in my third semester, I have found the golden ticket to a happy finals week: healthy eating and being in bed by 12am (NO DUHHHH right!). But really, it is workin like a charm. Today's menu included this little bowl of magic:
Chobani Greek yogurt, pomegranate seeds, and clover honey. Best. Thing. Ever. I think I've had like four bowls of it already. Now, I know what you are thinking. I am a poor college student and this sounds kinda expensive, but listen, here's how I did it. I waited until the pomegranates went on sale- 2 for $5; then I invested in some Greek yogurt-I would buy a big container of just plain vanilla because it's cheaper and even though the little containers look more college student friendly, it's yogurt so it will last you for quite a while; then I borrowed my roommate's honey-but I think you can buy it pretty cheap at Walmart if you get the Great Value brand. Tadaaaa! A healthy delicious snack that will make you happy and willing to sit down in front of a computer screen and study for the next ten hours. And the plan is to head to bed soon too, so I am one happy camper. Bring it on finals week! I can take you any day!

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Do you ever have those days where you are just inspired by everything around you? One of the things I love most about being an artist is being able to see the beauty in all of the little things around me, but even some days can be filled with more inspiration than normal. Today shapes have been on my mind. And letterpress. I  recently discovered Leah Duncan and have since blogged about her twice, but really she is absolutely wonderful. I was looking at her letterpress prints today (trying to decide which one I will order with my birthday money because I am poor and can only afford one "insert tears and sobs") and I just couldn't get over how lovely her simple geometric prints were. The colors and the simplicity just worked for me!

I am seeing myself slowly, but surely, molding into who I am as an artist. I am realizing what I really love and what I really shouldn't waste my time on creating. Simplicity has become my main desire. It started with my first blockprints; I loved simplifying everything into easy shapes that I could carve out. It continued with my intro to screen printing. I had to learn how to separate things by color and visual weight on the paper. I now realize just how beautiful simple things are. They take thought-if you are going to put down only a simple yellow square on a piece of paper, you had better be sure of where it will look its absolute best!

I hope that one day I will be able to make simple, but beautiful pieces of artwork. I want people to look at my work and think: "That will be beautiful in my baby's room," or "I can see myself hanging this in the kitchen." I want to create things that work for everywhere because they have no definite subject matter, they are just pretty. Pretty things are the best ya know. So here's to dedication and applying myself in the right direction. I know who I am and I know what I want to create, and believe me it's gonna be lovely.




What do you do at 1:30 in the morning when you are trying to avoid homework? You blog.

My brain really can't think right now, and I am bored out of my mind, so here is a list of things that I have seen lately and am not a fan of.

  • Rainboots. Ewww. They look frumpy and uncomfortable, plus they make your feet stink. Even all these Hunters I am seeing on Pinterest have done nothing to sway my opinion.
  • Neon hoodies and jackets. I love neon...but only in very small quantities. When I see you walking in your bright neon yellow jacket-and yes I can see you from like a mile away-you just remind me of a construction worker.
  • Elf on the Shelf. I don't get it. In fact, I think it's creepy.
  • Pancake muffins with maple syrup frosting and bacon on top. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
  • Purple sequin corset and matching purple pompom socks. Yes, I did see someone wearing this today.
  • Plastic mistletoe. Tacky tacky tacky! If you are going to hang mistletoe it had better be the real deal.
  • 3 trailers for zombie movies. When will this fad go away??? I guess I can't say anything because I don't mind the occasional vampire, but still, zombies are gross...and stupid...and really really gross.
  • Dogs. I see them everywhere everyday, and you know what? I will never ever be a dog lover. You can call me soulless, heartless, and stupid, but guess what? I will be the one who doesn't have dog hair all over them and who doesn't smell like animal. I think I win.
Well, now that I have offended everyone who might possibly be reading this, I think I should balance out the hate with some stuff I've been lovin.
  • Giant grandma sweaters. They are warm, and comfortable, and personally I don't mind not seeing every single curve on every single girl all the time.
  • Christmas lights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • A blog post I just found about mixing honey, pistachios, and pomegranate seeds into your greek yogurt. So totally doing it!
  • This thing on the internet:
  • Hand knit scarves. This is the only reason I would ever learn how to knit.
So there you go. Some likes and dislikes during this holiday season. Sorry this is so random, but there are only so many things you can do to avoid homework. Have a good Thursday! k loves bye

Monday, December 3, 2012


Today I am just tired. No sleep and a B on a final project will do that to ya. In the last four months there have been three very random nights where my body just decided it didn't want to calm down. I lay in bed from 12 to 7 in the morning and didn't get even a wink of sleep. It's weird guys. It has never happened to me before and it's kinda freaking me out! I am afraid to google it because we all know how that goes. Somehow I will end up with cancer and only a few months to live. So, anybody know a cure? I would love to know, because having absolutely no sleep can make for hecka Mondays.

Going back to that B....yah, it stinks! I have yet to get an A on an assignment in my head drawing class and I was hoping that if I whipped out some awesome drawings for the final portfolio I would maybe, just maybe, pull out one A. But no. Plus, every grade on the final is worth double, so you know what that means? I got two B's instead of one. Oh happy day...not.

Some good news for today: I finished Tucker's book!!! Actually I finished it on Friday night, but I finally got all the pictures taken so you get to see them today! Maybe if I didn't spend all of my Fridays cooped up inside painting I would have more dates...maybe?.................probably not. Here they are:
The teacup and the paint are my favorites! I really love the bruises on the apple too.
The goal was to make the pie look delicious...I think I succeeded...aka I would totes eat that pie!
The final two pages! Finished at 3 in the morning, but no way was I going to let this project go one more day. I will be getting a copy of the book at Christmas and will definitely share some pics. Overall I think they all came out really cute and really good. I think illustration is for me guys.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thoughts on Utah

Although I tend to rant about how much I dream of traveling the world some day, and how much I adore the Eastern coast and its history and style, I am grateful that I am from the lovely state of Utah. It doesn't get enough credit. I love that my roots are tied to the mountains and the deep rust colored, cactus filled, deserts! I love that I can drive for only a few hours and I am surrounded by red rock and green forests and beautiful canyon views. I love the dry heat in the summers, and the cold snowy winters; I love that I see things like hieroglyphs and Indian reservations, instead of old historic buildings; and most of all I love the wild wilderness. Last year my family took a trip to the geo-beds and found ourselves some geodes. Each year we take a trip to our cabin on Navajo lake and usually end up doing some hikes through Zion's national park (one of the most beautiful places you will ever see!). We also have a park called Goblin Valley that is filled with rocks, and that's why it's cool. Rocks folks. Seriously, I am one of the luckiest people alive! I get to live in a beautiful place that speaks to me and fills me with love for nature and God's creations. There is nothing better than that. And yes, sometimes I do still yearn for the beaches of North Carolina and Georgia, or long for the big cities of Chicago, New York City, and Los Angeles. But usually I am content with my little home in the rocky mountains of Utah. It's my home and always will be!
Our lovely little hand built cabin on Chokecherry Lane

Me, like 7 years ago, being brave, and rock hopping across Navajo Lake (funny story, once my dad said he would pay each of us $5 if we jumped into Navajo Lake-which is freezing cold by the way-and being the wild soul that I am I did it...fully clothed...twice!)

Strawberry point. One of my favorite view in Cedar City Utah
Totally a google image, but I don't have my old photo albums with me, so I couldn't share pictures of me and my brothers climbing these amazing rocks at Goblin Valley.

Fool's Creek. I didn't get to go on this little adventure, but seriously look at how beautiful the forests are here! My dad and brothers are so lucky to have gone!

I know you all have seen this before, but seeing this every day on Utah licence plates just makes me happy. Proud to live in a state with arches like these!

Zion's National Park. Yes, it really is this beautiful. No I didn't take the photograph-google helped me out once again. But, yes I have been to Zion's and I love love love it.
And finally...Angel's Landing! No way would you ever get me to do this hike! That is a sheer drop on both sides ma friends, and no joke at one point you literally pull yourself up the cliff with chains nailed into the rock-seriously, I kid you not, look it up on google. It is a beautiful hike in Zion's, but definitely one of the most dangerous and exhausting. Props to my amazing stud muffin brothers and daddio who hiked it for me! Hats off to you!

So yep, that would be Utah...or at least a few of the many highlights my lovely state has to offer. There are so many more beautiful places, but I have yet to explore them. So fellow Utahns, be grateful you live in this pretty place. Don't take it for granted. It has done me well and it will love you too if you let it. That's all for today folks. loves bye.