Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I am such a rebel

Today...I bought an ear cuff! That's right, I'm a rebel. Just kidding, I am like the furthest thing from it. Anyways, today has been good. Cookies and movies always make a good day. Also, shopping, because I am not one of those people that gets sick of walking around stores looking at things I can't afford. I LOVE IT! Contrary to what you might think though, I don't spend a lot of money. I am pretty good at controlling myself...but, I don't know why I am talking about this. Random.
So, on to art. I decided I want to set up a format for myself. I want to share what I draw in my sketchbook, along with finished products, but I also want to share what inspires me. One of my favorite blogs has what's called "Inspiration Friday." I would like to do my own spin off of this and hopefully show you what kind of artwork and photography I like to look at. On Wednesdays I want to share an artist I admire, and on Tuesdays, like today, I want to share my sketchbook. So here goes. This is the latest sketch. I have a friend named Fleur who, in my opinion, has a pretty awesome personality. She decided to dress up like a giraffe, and I decided to draw her.

I really like how it came out, so hopefully you do too. I just used a .05 micron pen for the whole thing. Anyways, she is pretty cool so I thought I would share. Hope you have a good night! So far mine has been awesome. k loves bye

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