Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My final portfolio!

Hello there! How is everyone today? I am dandy, mostly due to the fact that the snow outside is so perfect it takes my breath away. I can see every. single. snowflake. And all of the pretty patterns that you only ever see on fake snowflakes is totally real and they are all so different and it's just so pretty! I have never seen snow this beautiful in my whole life! Also, the Les Mis soundtrack is blasting and I am singing along and everything is good right now.

So, let's talk about my media experimentation class. In this first week I have learned that I don't like paint. Not even a little bit. Hand me a pen and ink and I can do anything...give me a paintbrush and I am just hopeless. I sit for hours mixing little patches of color and trying to blend and end up with a half decent circle of color. It's exhausting! Please, someone help me!

Ok, so I know I was going to share my final head drawing portfolio like weeks ago, but this girl is busy and sometimes I forget about promises I made. So here it is!

My final line drawing. The model was tired so I got to draw her almost sleeping and I kinda liked it.
My final charcoal lift out. This is by far my favorite, and it totally made the gallery wall! Whut up!
My final charcoal build up with white highlights. There were two done because I was trying to get my grade up at this point and I needed options haha.

My final charcoal build up. This is also a pretty good piece and also made the wall! Double Whut up!!!
The two that made the wall both had corrections made on them, so as soon as I get them back I will take pictures to compare the two. For instance in the image above I got rid of that awkward ear on the side. She is a human not some weird creature from the Dark Crystal...or at least that is what Bro. Parson told me.

Anyways, not much else to talk about today. I am gonna do some homework and maybe watch some White Collar so yep. K loves bye!

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