Sunday, November 11, 2012

And just when you think you've reached the end of the find out crazy has a crazy underground garage

This weekend has taken itself to a whole new level. In fact, it has decided to push it's craziness into this coming week so that I won't have one free moment until I hop in that car and drive myself out of this crazy crazy place and reset my settings with a large bowl of pumpkin pie and icecream. Thanksgiving you cannot come fast enough! Here's the to do list guys:
1. catch up on head drawings- as in finish the 4 assignments that you still haven't done!!!
2. draw up sketches for all of the pages of the book you are illustrating
3. finish first page illustration for book
4. finish all hw assignments for science class by Sunday at 11:45!
5. study for that killer anatomy test you have on wednesday, and by study I mean STUDY HARD!
6. buy camera
7. research classes and then sign up for classes(at 6am mind you! who does that???)
8. go online and pay off all fines, class fees, and i-card balances so that you can sign up for said classes
9. transfer money for grocery shopping
10. tithing settlement, church, and BOM reading for class
11. finish watercolor assignment and draw up plan for next assignment
12. study for art history test!
13. draw and cut out a giant Idaho for katie's lesson plan

Holy guacamole that is quite the list! I have had three days to do it all and obviously it all hasn't gotten done-hence my overload of everything pushing its way into my school week. I have been doing homework from 10 in the morning until 1 or 2 at night every day. I am about to drop over dead so any cookies or pumpkin flavored sweets would be greatly appreciated haha.

I wanted to show you some images of the book I am illustrating right now. It's for my cousin, and it's for a poem he wrote himself which is sooooo cute! It's all about a little snail named Stanley who goes on adventures and is super cool. Take a look:

Isn't he cute! I am still working on the colors for him, because I don't think purple and yellow suit him...maybe orange and blue? I am not sure yet, but I promise to post more pictures as his story continues hahaha! Make up for my crazy Sunday by having a restful one with a long nap! I guess you will hear from me  as soon as I can pull my head out of that long list of schoolwork. K loves bye!

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