Thursday, November 15, 2012

Letterpress and the magical qualities it possesses


So, long day today. I took my huge test on the brain and both nervous systems in 15 minutes flat (I know!) and I guess it turned out to be a good thing because I ended up with an 87% which is more than I hoped for, but less than I wanted after seeing the questions. I could have done better guys, I really could have. But OH WELL because it's done and over with and I am so elated. No more studying until 3am; no more carrying my science notebook around with me EVERYWHERE (I cannot emphasize that word enough); and no more frantic google searches for words like neurotransmitter, post synaptic transmission, and corpora quadrigemina (which is your superior and inferior colliculi located in the midbrain above the pineal gland in case you wanted to know).

Also, on a completely unrelated note, my stress was amplified today due to annoying roommates. Seriously, do you not know what a garbage can is and what it is used for? When you have garbage you throw it away! You don't leave it on the counter for DAYS until I come pick it up! I am not your mom, nor your maid, and believe me I have been both before and it's only cool if you get paid...even then, not very cool. So grow up and learn to clean. Also, don't think that because you unloaded the dishwasher 4 times this week you can skip clean checks. I am sorry I do all of my own dishes so I never have to unload the dishwasher, but that doesn't mean I am going to clean your sink and toilet. Pa-leeezzz!

Ok sorry just had to get that out there! So, what I really want to talk about is the amazing seminar I went to today. The guy's name was Ben Webster and he was cool. Cool as in owns his own shop in Salt Lake City and prints beautiful things all day long on antique printmaking presses and totally said we could stop by whenever to get a tour kind of cool. I will be taking you up on that offer as soon as possible ma friend! He also made this beautiful poster for John Mayer when he met him (!!!) and had a whole bunch of leftover limited edition copies, but unfortunately art students are ferocious and will push and shove their way to the front of the room to grab all of the copies before you can get there. Rude. So I left home empty handed and heartbroken, but with a new resolve to start my own sortof business. First goal after graduating college will be to get my own press! I seriously cannot wait! One day I too can be as cool as you! If you don't know what letterpress or printmaking is take a look at some of these pictures I found online.
You can see that as the paper goes through the press it causes an indent in the actual paper. This is part of the charm of letterpress, and why it is so expensive to have done. This aint no cheap printout from your home computer! This was most likely done on a 100 yr. old press and it took time!

This is Ben Webster's business card and it is beautiful! I love old processes like letter press and printmaking. It speaks to the creativity and the messy artist inside me. I love the idea of working with ink and getting my hands dirty and being around old machines that are full of history. It really doesn't get any better than this!

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