Sunday, November 18, 2012

My Dream

This is one of those personal read if you want, but don't feel like you have to haha.

Ok, so my whole life I have felt that there is some grand future waiting for me. Somehow I don't feel like my little Utah Mormon life is quite all I want. It's a happy life, and one that I have loved and will always love, but I have always known that one day I will venture off and find some new place to explore and enjoy. The desire to find this place has grown as I have grown and I am reaching the point where it is becoming almost painful for me to have not found it yet. So, what does this mean? Well after a lot of thought here is my answer: Europe.

I need to go there. I need to be there! I can feel it calling me an I am dying to experience it.

 My solution to this problem is to join the travel studies program at BYUI, but that's easier said than done. First of all it is EXPENSIVE! As in I would be taking out a loan for a good $6,000. My parents aren't too happy about that. Also, it's a lot of work. I would be taking classes from September to April and then traveling all through May. I would have to learn how to live out of a suitcase, and be social to people with languages that I don't understand, and not get lost in busy foreign airports. Frankly the idea scares me to death, and so, unfortunately, I passed the opportunity up this year. And I have been in mourning ever since.

Almost two weeks after the deadline for the application I discovered a little blog that changed my life called All Things Lovely at Now this blog made me cry...Why? Well because this blog was created by a lovely woman who attended the same college I am going to and then went off and is now living this dream of mine. I started crying, really I did. I even texted my best friend telling her I was crying. Believe me, it is hard to have passed up an opportunity to start living your deepest dreams and desires only to find out that someone chose to embrace their future and is now doing exactly what you want to do. This beautiful woman's name is Monica and she lives in Switzerland. As I was reading her "About me" page I started checking all of the things she has done off my list. This is her statement:
 "I graduated December 2009 from Brigham Young University Idaho in Graphic Design, Art History and Photography. Those are my loves. A few weeks after I graduated I moved to Zurich area Switzerland to be an Au pair for an American family there. I met my cute Swiss Jachen there, didn't see that coming, and then a year later I married him.
I'm from the Seattle area, but now find myself living with my Swiss husband in the hills of Switzerland where I don't speak a lick of German...okay maybe 10 words. We plan on moving to the States Spring 2013, cross your fingers!"

I was in awe, and very very emotional at the time. This was everything I wanted, everything I have been wishing for my whole life, and she had it! My goal right then and there was to try and be as courageous and wonderful as Monica! Starting next September I will be putting in my papers for the Travel Studies program. I will take out that loan and I will tour Europe! Maybe I will find a place that I love, one that I want to go back to, and after graduation maybe I will go there. I don't know if I will meet my husband like Monica did, and I don't know if I will live in Europe, but I do know I want to travel and see this beautiful world. I want to create art and share my love of beauty. I want to be adventurous! I want to be that girl! And I can be if that's what I really want. I know this!

So here's to living your dreams, and being brave! Who knows, maybe this will change my whole a way I am excited for that to happen. I have always known that I could be something more, and now I know I will be. So that's that, here we go!

(Sorry if you found that long and boring, but I needed to write out these feelings because they have hit me strong and hard today for no apparent reason.)

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