Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A compliment

There are so many things on my mind right now that I have a feeling I might just explode! Here we go,

1. A compliment from my art teacher today: "Jenika, these are really good. If you keep applying yourself and practicing I think you could do some really great stuff." You have no idea what this means! Pretty much just made my week!

2. Marshall and Lily. That's right, How I Met Your Mother has a place in my heart. Well, truthfully it's just Marshall that has a deep place in my heart. I want a bad! He is pretty much the perfect man. I cried when Lily broke up with him and cried when they got back together, and then I cried because I feel like it's going to be a long time before I meet my Marshall.

3. I am crazy obsessed with statement necklaces right now. Imagine me as one of those little memes yelling COLLECT ALL THE NECKLACES!!! I may or may not have just bought two new ones on ebay yesterday.

4. The sad fact that Rexburg skips fall. My favorite season and it skips it. One minute it's hot and windy and the next it's freezing cold and windy. All I get is a lot of rain. No pretty leaves, no autumn chill, no pumpkins sitting out on porches...just snow and a lot of ice. It makes for a depressing Halloween.

5. I burned my neck with my curling iron AGAIN! That's twice in one week. I have burns on my neck to prove it and they are not pretty.

6. If I could marry Thor I would.

7. Sometimes I wish I lived in Italy. Those people really knew how to paint back in the day and I want to be like that. I think one of my goals in the afterlife will be to meet as many Renaissance painters as I can find. Why hello Jan Van Eyck, I would indeed love to talk symbolism and the power it holds in painting.

8. This screen print I did back in highschool. It simultaneously makes me wish I had a tree growing out of my head and rocks my socks off at the same time.

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