Thursday, October 4, 2012

Head drawing

Ok here we go, finally some pictures! I am not quite so mad at this class at the moment, so I will share. Head. Drawing. Who knew a class could be so difficult and so rewarding? I hate it one minute and then love it the next. It makes me feel slightly bipolar. It also forces me to use charcoal, that oh so horrible black powder that coats my fingers and hands and throat and refuses to release me from its chalky hold. I hate the stuff! And then there's the paper. Now friends, I am a fan of expensive paper. Believe me, you can feel the difference between a stack of white printing paper from Walmart and a $3 sheet of paper from an art supply store. In this lovely little class we get to use a whole pad of the thinnest, most unprofessional paper in existence. When I simply pull a piece off it bends and rips. Let's just say it is terrible, absolutely terrible.
However, I am making progress. I am learning; I am growing; and my people are starting to look like people! Let's start at the beginning:
Yah, it's ok. Not great though. This isn't actually the first, but the real first was so dang ugly that I had to get rid of it! That thing was in the garbage so fast I didn't even look to see what grade was on it. I actually really didn't want to know.
Ok, I know this one is sideways, but I just spent forever trying to get it to turn and it wouldn't so you get to see it sideways! So, it is starting to look more like the person I am drawing! Yayyyyy!
Hmmm, minor setback. Her face is way out of proportion. This was the class period that I got my art therapy session with the teacher. Turns out my personality influences how I draw. Who knew right?
Big finish! Last line drawing for the class! I feel like I did a pretty decent job, besides the fact that his eyes are too oval and way too close together.
Moving on to light and shadow in preparation for shaded faces. This is when the class started getting emotional. Let's just say my teacher has lost all patience for students he feels are unworthy of being in the class. Who gives teachers the right to decided who should and shouldn't draw? NO ONE! That's who.
My latest project. He got mad at me for shading the whole upper lip, but I still think it's looking pretty good. I don't know, what do you think?
So, yah that would be my progress so far. I can see the improvement, but it is still stressful every stinkin day. I promise to do more updates, but I kinda like the idea of doing them in groups like this that way you can see my progress as much as I can. Well, I think that's it. Have an awesome conference weekend, hopefully filled with cinnamon rolls and funeral potatoes(that would be my conference tradition!) and if not I suggest making it happen:) K loves bye!

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