Friday, October 19, 2012

Trying to copy a master

Hello there! I have two things to share today.

 One: I have had an emotional last three days. On Wednesday I was sitting in bed and I had a prompting to end my tv watching. Now, for those of you who know me this is probably the craziest thing you have ever heard. Why? Because I love my tv. Love. It. My favorite thing to do is curl up at night and watch a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother, White Collar, or Gossip Girl. Not to mention Vampire Diaries season 4 just started and I have to know how that ends! So, of course I dismissed that thought as the silliest thing imaginable. However, fast forward three days and that thought would not leave my head. How much stuff could I get done in the few hours a day that I spend in front of the tv? How much art could I work on? It started to make sense to me. So, last night I prayed. I asked that if I did this that I would lose interest in my shows; that my life would no longer revolve around fictional characters, and you know what? I stopped watching tv, deleted my Netflix, and packed up my tv on DVD, and I am happier than I ever thought possible. Stress gone! I feel free. Now, I let myself have Community...not all the time, but one saturday a month. I don't feel the need to watch it anymore though, so I might not even indulge in that. I know this isn't a  guideline for anyone, but for me it works and is essential for my happiness, and I am happy. So so soooo happy.

Two: my watercolor assignment. This week's project was to copy someone else's work; the style, the colors, everything. So I hopped online and googled watercolor images and found some fun stuff. This is the picture I chose to replicate.
And this is how it came out. Of course mine is still pretty different and a little muddy, but it is kinda hard to copy someone else's style. I like the finished product though.
If you ever want a challenge try this out. It will blow you away on how difficult it is! So that's all for tonight, loves bye!

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